Dr. G.V. Pavan Kumar
Department of Physics,
h-cross, experimental physics building,
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
Pune, Maharashtra 411008, India
e-mail: pavan[at]iiserpune.ac.in
blog: historyofscience.in
Research Interests:
Optics & Soft Matter: Optically Induced Forces – Assembly, Dynamics & Function;
History and Philosophy of Science
Research Employments:
Professor (since Dec 2022) - IISER, Pune
Associate Professor (Apr 2017 - Dec 2022) - IISER, Pune
Assistant Professor (Oct 2013 - Apr 2017) - IISER, Pune
Ramanujan Fellow (Physical Sciences) (Nov 2010 - Oct 2013) - IISER, Pune
Assistant Professor [c] (May-Nov 2010) -IISER, Pune
Post-Doc Fellow, Purdue University, USA
ICFO Fellow , ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain
Ph.D. (2008) - JNCASR, Bangalore (thesis title: Utilization of Surface enhanced Raman scattering in biomolecular detection and characterization)
M.Sc.- Physics, Bangalore University
B.Sc.- Physics, Maths, Electronics, M.E.S. College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Bangalore University
Honors Diploma in Space Science from ISRO (done during M.Sc)
Academic Service :
Professional Membership:
Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Photonics (2024 - )
Editorial Advisory Board, Resonance (Indian Acad Sciences) (2024- )
Editor, Web Outreach, DIALOGUE: Science, Scientists, and Society (2024 - )
Editorial Board, Current Science (Indian Acad Sciences) (2025 - )
Michael S. Feld Biophotonics Award Committee, Optica (2022-2024)
Member, American Physical Society
Senior Member, Optica (formerly Optical Society of America)
Life member, Optical Society of India
Awards and Honors:
2018 - Swarnajayanti Fellowship (Physical Sciences)
2018 - Senior member (designated), Optical Society of America
2016 - Malhotra-Weikfield Foundation Award in Nanoscience
2015 - NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Award (Physics)
2013 - INSA Medal for Young Scientist (Physics), Indian National Science Academy (INSA)
2011-15 - Associate, Indian Academy of Sciences
2010 - DST Ramanujan Fellowship in Physical Sciences, Dept. of Sci. & Tech., India
2008 - Juan de la Cierva Fellowship, Ministry of Science & Technology, Spain
2004 - University 2nd rank in M.Sc. - Physics
2003 - Prof. S.B. Bondade memorial Lecture prize, Indian Physics Association
2002 - Sri S.L.V. Chary endowment prize, B.Sc. (electronics) - 1st rank
​Modular course in Optical & Electron Microscopy (for researchers)
Jan (2025)
Optics (for physics majors)
Aug (2024, 2023)
Advanced Physics Laboratory for 4th year undergrads
2023(Jan sem), 2022 (Jan sem)
Classical and Quantum Optics
2022 (Aug semester), 2021 (Aug)
​2018 (Jan - May)
PHY121 - Undergrad Physics Laboratory
2017 (Aug - Nov)
Advanced Physics Laboratory
2017 (Jan - May)
PHY421 - Classical and Quantum Optics
2016 (Aug - Nov)
Advanced Physics Laboratory
2016 (Jan - May)
IDC 202 - Optics
2015 (Jan - May)
PHY421 - Classical and Quantum Optics
2014 (Jan - May)
PHY421 - Classical and Quantum Optics
2013 (Aug - Nov)
CHM430 - Laboratory course in Advanced Physical Chemistry
2013 (Jan - May)
PHY424 - Atomic and Molecular Physics
2012 (Aug - Nov)
Laboratory course in Physics
CHM430 - Laboratory course in Advanced Physical Chemistry
2012 (Jan - May)
PHY323 - Advanced Physics Lab II
2011 (Aug - Nov)
Laboratory course in Advanced Physics
CHM430 - Laboratory course in Advanced Physical Chemistry
2011 (Jan - May)
PHY413 - Electronics
2010 (Aug - Dec)
BIO322 - Biophysics (COURSE BLOGS)
PHY121 - Laboratory course in Physics
CHM430 - Laboratory course in Advanced Physical Chemistry